Monday, October 15, 2007

New Postulants

On Monday, October 15, 2007, 8 candidates were accepted into the Postulancy program, at Dehon Vidya Sadham (Aluva, Kerala.) The postulants will prepare themselves for entrance into the Novitiate on April 30, 2007.

(l to r above):

Thambi Joseph Kishore Babu Mallavarapu (from Andhra Pradesh)
Nagendra Rao Kolukuluri (Andhra Pradesh)
Martin Louvis (Kerala)
Moparthi Ravindra (Andhra Pradesh)
Praveen Kumar Richard (Tamil Nadu)
Antony Alex Josapath (Kerala)
Simon Raj Chinnappan (Tamil Nadu)
Suresh Gottam (Andhra Pradesh)

For photos click HERE.

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