On Friday, October 6, in the early afternoon, eight SCJ candidates studying philosophy at Dehon Vidyam Sadhan, in Aluva, Kerala, arrived at the Secunderabad railway station . Until October 13th, they worked at a nearby street children center, Don Bosco Navajeevan Bala Bhavan, run by Salesian Priests and Brothers.
They are: Alex, Devaraj, Martin, Ravindra, Praveen, Simon, Suresh, Kishore

They welcomed the children straight off the streets, responding to their medical and clothing needs, doing their best to help the children feel at home. In the midst of a very busy schedule that began early in the morning with prayer and Eucharist, until lights out at night, they learned how to respond to the needs of the street children.
The SCJ students were given photo IDs for daily trips to railway stations, parks, and bus stations to find and talk with street kids, to invite them to the center. At the center itself they counseled the children individually, directed organized activities, and helped serve meals..

Every evening they met together in the chapel to reflect on the experiences of the day, sharing what was learned, evaluating their own attitudes and behavior in the midst of this new reality. They kept a daily journal of their own experiences and feelings, some of which they shared when they met together.

They were challenged by the lives of the children that they met and asked important questions about why these kids live on the streets, and how they can be helped.

“When we went to the railway stations we felt very difficult to talk with street children because they did not want to sit with us because they thought we are police. But there are some interested boys who were interested in trying to speak. It was very terrible when we were listening to their broke family stories that are real.”

“From our visit to rehabilitation centers we came to know the way of Salesian Brothers. They have built many centers to offer selfless service. In this process of growth of street children they have bright survey of the boys. We want to appreciate them for their success.”

“We have seen the street child in the society with many talents like electronics, driving, masons, in sports field, in education field, in arts. We could not feel that they are street children. It is nothing but God’s plan among the Fathers and Brothers to lead the children in their growth.”
“Another experience that we have in our stay in house is counseling with the boys, where we have spent much of our time. During our meeting with boys we came across many problems of boys and we felt all the problems are because of misunderstanding the things happened in their lives. Of course we could give them some suggestions we hope they could follow them. They said they are happy with our talk. We tried our level best to be with these boys. We tried our level best to be with these boys for these days. Their readiness to share their experiences made us to be mingled with them.”
“Though beginning I found it too hard to meet and share their lives with the boys, those who were roaming at the railway station, because when I called some of them they were running among the crowds, and the travelers looked at me. It was so shameful to me. But I caught strongly Jesus who sent here to do his will in the midst of these oppressed, and depressed ones. I couldn’t catch them by force and ask them why did you come here and roaming, because they are not sinners, they are innocents, they are looking after some supporters to their lives. Yes they need help.”

“From all these days what I learned and understood is “challenging and courageous life.” After speaking with many boys I came to know the reality about street children, that the street children are not the beggars or bad boys, but according to my understanding the street child is like one who lives courageous life by facing many challenges. The street child leaves his parents and everything and lives courageously, sleeps alone, eats alone, and lives alone, therefore I say that this is the real challenging life.
By all this my inner heart asks me that what are the challenges I am facing in my vocation and what can I do for these children through my vocation.”

“Do Everything for the Glory of God.”
“It was great opportunity for me to be here. I never experience like this ministry, but God has sent me to be with these children, those who abandoned, and those who are hated. When I see these children I feel very sad. In the railway stations, bus stand, parks, road sides etc., It’s very pity. Really when I am speaking with children they are beaten by their parents, rejected by their family member, relatives etc…. For this situation we have bring out our ideas and what we have to do in their future life.
When I am counseling with boys, they are saying a lot of their ideas and dreams. I felt that, when they came here they are thinking of their future life. Our founder’s charism is to go to midst of people. That we are following here. Before it was for me whenever I see the begging boys I go away from him. But now I make use of my experience to be with them. It makes me very happy.”

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