God is Love
“God so loved the world that he gave his only Son that whoever believes in Him may not perish but have eternal life.” (Jn 3:16)
It was a pleasant day, the day of the feast of our congregation. It began with the beautiful songs heard played over the PA system. The choir was singing solemnly early in the morning, praising the name of Jesus with Alleluia hymns.
Now started the great celebration which is the center of the Church, that is, the Celebration of the Eucharist. As the choir started singing loudly with one voice praising God with beautiful songs, the priests kissed the altar to offer the great sacrifice in the name of all who gathered. It was a special day for all of us, because the Mass was being celebrated by Fr. McQueen, scj who had just returned from a year in Rome.
During the day we were busy with arranging things for all of the guests that were invited to join us during Adoration. The guests started to come one after the other though it was raining heavily. There were Fathers, Sisters, Religious Brothers, and Lay People. All together there were around 60.
We began Adoration at 12:15pm with the introductory words given by Fr. Thomas, SCJ, and then we all read the Prayer of Reparation. The Gospel reading was read by Fr. McQueen. And, after the singing of a bhajan, the members of the Congregation together renewed their Vows.
After Adoration, everyone was invited to dinner, as a sign of sharing the love of Christ, with so many different people from different cultures, states, and countries. There were priests from Kerala, Goa, Ireland, and Indonesia. The Sisters came from different congregations, namely, the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception, some of whom were from Korea and Nigeria, the Sisters of the Destitute, and the Holy Ghost Sisters.
During the meal, our 3rd year philosophy students served everyone, and there was a small entertainment given by our brothers during the meal. We finally ended our program around 3:00pm.
This day was truly a time when we were able to experience the love that is revealed through the Sacred Heart to all human beings. The whole celebration was filled with joy and happiness.
By Emmanuel (Philosophy, 2nd year)
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