Thursday, June 10, 2004

Inauguration of Prema Seva Sikshanalayam

At 6:15pm on the 29th of May, the eve of Pentecost Sunday, the Bishop of the Diocese of Eluru, John Mulagada, inaugurated our theology house of studies in Eluru, Andhra Pradesh. We invited the priests and religious from different communities in the area to take part in this celebration. In a very special way Bishop John accepted our invitation to be the main celebrant. There were 10 religious Sisters, 11 Priests, the SCJ Novices, and 9 Theologians who joined us.

After his introduction, the Bishop blessed our house. In his homily Bishop John stressed the importance of the Holy Spirit in our lives. He encouraged us to pray to the Holy Spirit everyday, especially before the day begins.

Fr. Martin (India District Superior), and Fr. Johnson (Vijnananilayam School of Theology) were con-celebrants with Bishop John. At the end of Mass, Fr. Martin read the official letter of inauguration of our new SCJ house of theological studies in Eluru. Fr. Placido presented a short history of our Congregation, and Br. Thomas expressed our gratitude to the Bishop and the Diocese of Eluru for the welcome and support that have been shown to us, in allowing us to use this building.

The celebration concluded with a meal.

-(Submitted by Br. Sunil, scj)

CLICK HERE for more photos.

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