Thursday, February 19, 2004

SCJ India District

January / February have been very busy months for the members of the India District. On January 26, we celebrated the first ordinations to the priesthood in the India District. Louis Mariano and Placido were ordained in Goa, followed by First Masses in their home parishes. Most of the members of the District were able to attend, including a busload of SCJ philosophy students who came in from Aluva, Kerala. Fr. Madya (General Administration) and Fr. Heinz (Holland) were special guests to India for this occasion.PHOTOS.

February 9 thru the 12th, we held our annual District Assembly in Nambur, A.P., at Sacred Heart Novitiate. 20 SCJs gathered to discuss issues pertaining to the future of the India District: 3 Year Plan, Theological Studies, Regency Program, Ministry to Beggers, and Formation Programs.PHOTOS.

During this time we also took the opportunity to celebrate the birthday of Fr. Angel. PHOTOS.

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